Hola amor hermoso de mi vida!!! Here are some pictures from my Ministry of Health commercial yesterday. I couldn't take too many and some where very dark, but here you go, enjoy ;)
It was so amazing to see you baby :) Que super sorpresa tan deliciosa! I'm glad you forgot your keys or else you would have given me a heart attack jajajaja! Nooooooo ahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Honestly I would have panicked, or perhaps gone into some weird self defense mode and grabbed a knife or who knows what jajaja
Today was a good day love. Woke up happy because things are finally moving; I hate when things are just the same and nothing changes. Now the river seems to be flowing and we are on a cool boat ;)
Work felt weird, kind of sad actually. Worked there for so long and had so many good laughs that it coming to an end is definitely bitter-sweet. But I'm happy and excited about what's to come :)
I hope your day went well! I really cannot wait to see your work love. I believe in you so much that even if you think it sucks (which is natural since you are a crazy perfectionist genius) I'm sure is amazing! Wow love, I made such a fool of my self at the audition today that I scream when I think about it! jajajaja but I rather go all out and laugh about it than regret holding it all in, so whatever braaaa!
Ok time to sleep and dream with you! I love you! I love seeing you, kissing you...and all the other stuff we do too ;)
P.S. Its raining. I'd be amazing to be cuddled together in bed.