Hey babes, just finished skyping with you :)
I had a crazy day today! Woke up, worked on my scene, got ready and went to hand in resume at Yorkville, met with Jorge for a coffee, got back home, cleaned like a maniac! went to buy groceries (which I did in like 10 mins! I was running up and down the ails with my cart. I felt like I was on one of those competitions were everything you manage to get in your cart under 5 mins is free!). Then I ran back home with super heavy bags (ran into your friend Lynn, but couldn't stop to say hi since my dad was almost home and the load was waaaay too heavy to stop; please say I'm sorry for not chitchatting). Got back home dropped the groceries off and ran (literally) to meet my dad (and his beard) at the corner of College and Bathurst. Fiuuuuuu!
He took me for a nice dinner to Vivoli (yum yum calamaaari) and then we came back home and he showed me his amazing movie. You must see it!
Now I'm going to work on my scene a bit more and then off to dreamland where I'll hopefully meet with you amor!
Te amo te adooooro and hope you have an amaaaazing day tomorrow!