Sep 14, 2010

Grabbing life by the hornes! Ole'

Today I had another crazy busy day! Audition in the morning, then the interview, and then walked around downtown taking pictures with my dad. I'm pretty sure I got the job, a for the part...we'll see....I felt I did good, but you never know what they want! sheesh, its annoying how out of your hands this career is!

We're back home now listening to music and having some wine. I'm making my roasted vegetables with salmon for dinner. They're starting to smell gooood :)

These are some of the pictures from our day today; the light was sooo beautiful! I took these with ma' awesome phone ;)

I miss you. I've been busy so I haven't had time to really think about it, but I feel this huge absence in my life and the little whole in my stomach is starting to form again...


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